Melody Maker, 1989
"there are immaturities, but there are immensities" - Bright Star (dir. Jane Campion)>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "the fear of being wrong can keep you from being anything at all" - Nayland Blake >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "It may be foolish to be foolish, but, somehow, even more so, to not be" - Airport Through The Trees
Friday, December 29, 2017
The Wire, summer 1993
by Simon Reynolds
Last time round, 'fusion' seemed to be a good reference point
for Bandulu. At its best, their debut LP 'Guidance' was jazz-trance, as if Joe
Zawinul had ended up band-leader of Tangerine Dream instead of Weather Report.
Tracks like "Tribal Reign" offered supple rhythms and musky, aromatic
synth-swirls that opened up your senses like a night in a rainforest. This
time, though, dub reggae seems to be the watchword. Thankfully, Bandulu avoid
the crass, sterile replication perpetrated by most ambient dub bands, and
approach a genuine dub-house merger. On "Agent Jah", the groove-scape
wavers and warps like a horizon through a heat-haze. "Shutdown" is
even more minimal: it's little more than a beat in a reverb-chamber, the drums
kicking up a slipstream of whispery particles and after-images. It's strangely,
pleasurably reminiscent of early house classics like Royal House's 'Party People' or Nitro
Deluxe's 'This Brutal House'.
What's cool about Bandulu is that their
production isn't crisp and dry, like most techno, but the aural equivalent of
vaseline-on-the-lens. In "High Rise Heaven", a synth-figure billows,
buckles and bulges; it's as woozy and unfocussed as My Bloody Valentine's
"All I Need". "Phase In Remix" is even more Op Arty, making
you squint your ears and hallucinate patterns where none exist. Devoid of a
beat, the track atomises melody and rhythm into a myriad motes of sound, a
sussurrating and scintillating spangle-scape. It's like being swathed and
swaddled in the Milky Way.
"Antimatters" has its fair share
of non-events, like the train-kept-a'rollin' trance of 'Presence'. The best of
the rest are those tracks which verge closest on outright dub. "Original
Scientist" has echoey piano-chords, squelchifarious water-pumping
percussion and a rootical synth-figure, but tempo-wise is still house music.
"Run Run", though, could almost be a time capsule from the
mid-Seventies--sonically, it has the slow'n'low sway and mirage-like, gilded
glory-haze of King Tubby or Joe Gibbs,
while the sampled chorus warns that Babylon's days are numbered, 'cos
"revolution will come". Evidently the Bandulu boys feel that being dedicated herbalists makes them honorary Ras
Like "Guidance",
"Antimatters" is intermittently brilliant. As a CD, it's just begging
to be re-programmed into a sublime six track sequence of edited highlights.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Metal Box for Christmas 1979
Public Image Ltd's Metal Box remembered
Frieze, November 2007
by Simon Reynolds
My most vivid memory of Metal Box dates to a week before Christmas Day 1979. My parents were out, so I sneaked Public Image Ltd's (PiL) album out of the airing cupboard, where they stashed the presents, and for the first time prised off the tin's lid, then gingerly extracted the three discs tightly crammed inside. Aged 16, I just couldn't wait to play the record that was being universally acclaimed as a giant step into a brave new world beyond rock's confines. As a result I crossed a line myself, between innocence and adulthood.
Demystification was the whole point of Metal Box's packaging, a metallic canister of the type that ordinarily contains movie reels. Like the band-as-corporation name Public Image Ltd, the matt-grey tin was an attempt to strip away mystique, all the 'bollocks' of rock romanticism. But Metal Box, of course, just added to the mystique around PiL, the group John Lydon formed after splitting with the Sex Pistols. Drab yet imposing, standing out in record shop racks or on the shelves of a collection, the can instantly became a fetish object. And although its aura was utilitarian, the packaging was actually less functional than a normal album jacket. Instead of slipping the disc out of its sleeve, you had carefully to ease out the three 45 rpm 12-inches, which were separated only by paper circles of the same size as the platters. Removing the vinyl without scratching it was a challenge. Almost 30 years later my three discs look in remarkably good nick, considering I must have played them hundreds of times. But then I was precious about my possessions: an avid post-Punk fan hamstrung by weak finances, I owned about six albums in toto, and Metal Box's hefty £7.45 price tag was the reason I'd requested it for Christmas, despite the delay this would mean in hearing it.
All this heightened the experience of playing Metal Box, giving it an almost ritualistic quality. PiL's own motivations were partly malicious pranksterism and partly a serious attempt to deconstruct 'the album'. In interviews bassist Jah Wobble was adamant that you should definitely not play Metal Box in sequence but listen to one side of a disc (two or three tracks at most) at a time. Spreading over an hour's worth of music across three records encouraged listeners to reshuffle the running order as they saw fit; as a result the record became a set of resources rather than a unitary art work. 'Useful' was a big PiL buzzword (that's what they liked about disco – it was danceable). It was a term that allowed Lydon to carry on opposing himself to all things arty and pretentious, even as he perpetrated a supreme feat of artiness with Metal Box.
Like Peter Saville's exquisitely designed releases for Factory Records, Metal Box simultaneously extended the art rock tradition of extravagant packaging (Led Zeppelin's Physical Graffiti, from 1975, for instance) while subverting it through its stark plainness (which ironically, cost a bleedin' fortune). The only precedent I can think of is Alice Cooper's 1973 album Muscle of Love, which came in a brown cardboard carton (Lydon, as it happens, was a huge Alice fan). The concept for Metal Box originated with PiL's design-conscious friend Dennis Morris, the court photographer at Lydon's house in Gunter Grove, Chelsea, and also a member of the all-black, PiL-esque band Basement 5. Where the sleeve of the début album Public Image (1978) lampooned rock's cult of personality (Morris photographed the band in Vogue-style make-up and suits), Metal Box went one step further to a blank impersonality, the absence of any kind of image at all. Flowers of Romance (1981), the third album, took a step too far with its desultory Polaroid of band associate Jeanette Lee, but that was long after Morris had been ousted from the PiL milieu.
Morris' crucial contribution to PiL is something that comes through loud and clear in the new book Metal Box: Stories from John Lydon's Public Image Limited (2007). If author Phil Strongman is savvy enough to name his book after PiL's totemic masterpiece, he's less shrewd in doggedly pursuing the story long after the band ceased to be a creative force. As Mark Fisher has noted, every pop story, followed through to its narrative (in)conclusion, ends in ignominy or disappointment. So it is with the brand-disgracing travesties Lydon released immediately after Wobble (the group's heart and soul) and then guitarist Keith Levene (its musical brains) were ejected. More disheartening still, in a way, was the mediocre competence of the PiL albums of the late 1980s and early '90s. Still, Strongman's account of the 'good years' is rich in new data, from deliciously incongruous trivia (Ted Nugent was Levene's choice to produce the first album! Led Zeppelin manager Peter Grant was mad keen to take on PiL as clients!) to more compelling revelations (the book settles the mystery of whether 'Poptones', Metal Box's stand-out track, is sung by a murdered corpse or an abduction survivor abandoned and shivering in the woods).
As so often with rock biographies, though, much of the information tends to tarnish the reputations of the protagonists. Ironically, given their fervent anti-rock stance (Lydon derided rock as a 'disease', something to be 'cancelled'), PiL's productivity was disabled by a thoroughly rock'n'roll set of failings: paranoia, egomania, money disputes, mismanagement (PiL actually had no manager, on account of Lydon's bad experiences with Malcolm McLaren; the role was portioned between Jeanette Lee and another Lydon crony, and the band's finances were kept in a box – cardboard, this time – under a bed). Equally lamentably rock'n'roll is the Spinal Tap-like procession of drummers: five in the first two years (one of whom, ex-drummer for The Fall, Karl Burns, stayed in the band for just a few days, quitting after being the victim of a dangerous prank involving fire).
All the main players (and numerous extremely minor ones) are interviewed, with the glaring exception of Lydon himself. But that's no surprise, because he's consciously distanced himself from PiL over the years. At some point he clearly grasped that his place in rock history (and future income) depended on the Sex Pistols adventure and subsequently threw all his energies into burnishing the Johnny Rotten legend. But I wonder whether another factor behind Lydon's silence is that the PiL years are painful to contemplate – not just because of bad blood (Wobble was one of his best friends) but because the music of Metal Box, rooted in his true loves (Can, Captain Beefheart, Peter Hammill, dub), meant so much to him. He really believed all that 'rock is dead' rhetoric, and was sincere when he dismissed the Sex Pistols as way too traditional. And for a moment rock's intelligentsia concurred. Metal Box's stature in 1979–80 was so immense that many commentators invoked Miles Davis' early-1970s' music as a reference point. Lester Bangs declared that he'd stake a lifetime's writing on Metal Box and Miles' Get Up With It (1974). When his apartment caught fire, the first and only thing Bangs grabbed as he fled to the street below in his pyjamas was that grey tin can.
It's the music inside that counts, though, isn't it? My other vivid memory of Metal Box is bringing it to school after our music teacher asked each member of the class to bring in a favourite record and talk about it. I played 'Death Disco' and 'Poptones', then regurgitated stuff I'd read in NME about how PiL were radical for absorbing the influence of funk and reggae. I wasn't able to articulate what made their mutational approach different from and superior to contemporaries such as The Police or indeed Old Wave rock gods such as The Stones when they disco-rocked it in 1978 with 'Miss You'. But the lasting proof of PiL's innovatory power is their music's ever-widening ripples of influence, which encompass Massive Attack, Primal Scream (they hired Wobble for 1991's 'Higher Than The Sun'), Tortoise, Radiohead and many more. You can trace a line from PiL via On U Sound (whose Adrian Sherwood had dealings – musical and, it's rumoured, otherwise – with Lydon, Levene and Wobble back then) to today's dubstep, which, like Metal Box, is Jamaican music with the sunshine extracted – roots reggae without Rasta's consoling dream of Zion.
PiL's biggest influence though, may be their rhetoric. The idea that 'rock is obsolete' (as Wobble put it in 1978) became a self-replicating meme that inoculated an entire generation against the retro-virus by directing them away from rock's back pages and towards the cutting-edges of contemporary black music. In the age of downloading and dematerialized sound-data Metal Box has a fresh resonance for me as a powerful argument in favour of the necessity for music to be physically embodied. The record was significantly diminished in its subsequent incarnation as Second Edition (the gatefold-sleeved double album it became when the 50,000 limited edition Metal Box sold out). The CD reissue, housed in a miniature metal canister, is almost risible to behold, while its digitized sound lacks the warmth and weight of the original deep-grooved 45 rpm 12 inches. Most crucially, you simply weren't meant to listen to Metal Box as one long, uninterrupted 70-minute sequence. A 1979 pressing fetches $200 through Internet sites such as Gemm; the reproduction antique vinyl reissue of Metal Box from a few years back isn't cheap either. But this is one record you simply must have, hold and hear in its original format.
More on Metal Box
Public Image Ltd
Metal Box
director's cut version, Pitchfork, November 2016
by Simon Reynolds
Public Image Ltd
Metal Box
Out of all the fascinating alternate takes, B-sides, rare compilation-only
tracks and never-before-released sketches that comprise this expanded reissue
of Public Image Ltd’s postpunk landmark, it’s a live version of “Public
Image” that is the real revelation. Part
of an impromptu June 1979 concert in Manchester, the song keep collapsing and
restarting. “Shut up!” snaps John Lydon,
responding to audience jeers. “I told
you it’s a fucking rehearsal.” Another PiL
member explains that the drummer, Richard Dudanski, only joined three days ago.
PiL relaunch the song only for Lydon to halt it with “miles too fast!” The
jeers erupt again and the singer offers a sort of defiant apology: if the crowd really want to “see mega light
displays and all that shit”, he advises them to go see properly professional
bands who put on a slick show. “But we ain’t like that... We’re extremely
honest: sorry about that... We admit our mistakes”.
This performance – an inadvertent deconstruction of
performance itself – takes us to the heart of the PiL project as well as the
postpunk movement for which the group served as figureheads. At its core was a belief in radical honesty: faith
in the expressive power of words, singing and sound as vehicles for urgent communication.
After the Sex Pistols’s implosion, Lydon was trying to find a way to be a
public figure again without masks, barriers, routines, or constraining
expectations. So it’s especially apt that
“Public Image” – PiL’s debut single,
Lydon’s post-Pistols mission-statement – is the song that fell apart at Manchester’s Factory Club. “Public
Image” is about the way a stage persona can become a lie that a performer is forced
to live out in perpetuity. Lydon sings
about “Johnny Rotten” as a theatrical role that trapped him and which he’s now casting
off. Starting all over with his given name and a new set of musical
accomplices, Lydon was determined to stay true to himself. The group’s name came from Muriel Sparks’s novel The Public Image, about a movie actress whose career is ruined
but who, the ending hints, is freed to embark on an authentic post-fame
existence. Lydon added the “limited” to
signify both the idea of the rock group as a corporation (in the business of
image-construction) and the idea of keeping egos on a tight leash.
A comparison for Lydon’s search for a new true music – and a
truly new music – that would leave behind rock’s calcified conventions is Berlin-era
Bowie’s quest for a “new music night and day” (the working title of Low). Indeed it was Virgin Records’s
belief that Lydon was the most significant British rock artist since Bowie that
caused them to extend PiL such extraordinary license and largesse when it came
to recording in expensive studios. That indulgence
enabled the recording of three of the most out-there albums ever released by a
major label: First Edition, Metal Box,
Flowers of Romance. But it’s the
middle panel of the triptych that is the colossal achievement: a near-perfect record that reinvents and
renews rock in a manner that fulfilled postpunk’s promise(s) to a degree
rivalled only by Joy Division on Closer.
The key word, though, is reinvention. Lydon talked grandly
of abandoning rock altogether, arguing
that killing off the genre had been the true point of punk. But unlike the absolutely experimental (and as with most experiments, largely unsuccessful)
Flowers of Romance, Metal
Box doesn’t go beyond rock so much as stretch it to its furthest extent, in
the manner of the Stooges’s Fun House
or Can’s Tago Mago. It’s a forbidding listen, for sure, but only
because of its intensity, not because it’s abstract or structurally convoluted.
The format is classic: guitar-bass-drums-voice (augmented intermittently by keyboards
and electronics). The rhythm section
(Jah Wobble and a succession of drummers) is hypnotically steady and physically
potent. The guitarist (Keith Levene) is a veritable axe-hero, as schooled and
as spectacular as any of the pre-punk greats. And the singer, while unorthodox
and edging off-key, pours it all out in a searing catharsis that recalls
nothing so much as solo John Lennon and the intersection he found between the
deeply personal and the politically universal. Also, there’s even some tunes
But yes, it’s a bracing listen, Metal Box, and nowhere more so than on the opening dirge
“Albatross”. 11 minutes-long, leaden in tempo, the song is clearly designed as
a test for the listener (get through this and it’s plain sailing!) just like the
protracted assault of “Theme” that launched First
Edition had been. Absolutely
pitiless music (Levene hacking at his axe like an abattoir worker, Wobble rolling out a looped tremor of a
bassline) is matched with utterly piteous singing: Lydon intones accusations
about an oppressive figure from his past, perhaps the master-manipulator
McLaren, possibly his dead friend Vicious, conceivably “Johnny Rotten” himself
as a burden he can’t shake. “Memories”,
the single that preceded Metal Box’s November
’79 release, is more sprightly: brisk funk over which Levene’s
cracked-kaleidoscope guitar scatters glassy splinters. Like “Albatross,” though, the song is an embittered
exorcism: Lydon could almost be commenting on his own nagging vocal and fixated
lyrics with the line “dragging on and on and on and on and on and on and ON,” then spits
out “this person’s had enough of useless
memories” over a breath-taking disco-style breakdown.
With “Swan Lake”, a retitled remix of the single “Death
Disco,” Lydon is possessed by an unbearable memory that he doesn’t want to
forget: the sight of his mother dying in slow agony from cancer. If the wretched grief of the lyric - “silence
in her eyes”, “final in a fade”, “choking on a bed / flowers rotting dead” –
recalls Lennon’s “Mother”, the retching anguish of Lydon’s vocal resembles Yoko
Ono at her most abrasively unleashed. On
the original vinyl, the song locks into an endless loop on the phrase “words
cannot express.” But “Swan Lake” - named after the Tchaikovsky melody that Levene
intermittently mutilates - is nothing if not a 20th Century
expressionist masterpiece: the missing link between Munch’s “The Scream” and
Black Flag’s “Damaged I”.
Just as placing “death” in front of “disco” was an attempt
to subvert the idea of dancefloor escapism, the title “Poptones” drips with
acrid irony. A real-life news story of abduction,
rape and escape inspired the lyric, with one detail in particular triggering
Lydon’s imagination: the victim’s memory of the bouncy music streaming out of
the car’s cassette player. This juxtaposition of manufactured happiness and absolute horror is
a typically postpunk move, exposing pop as
a prettified lie that masks reality’s raw awfulness: for some postpunk groups, an existential condition (dread, doubt) and for
others, a political matter (exploitation,
control). On “Poptones” this
truth-telling impulse produces one of Lydon’s most vivid lyrics (“I don’t like
hiding in this foliage and peat/It’s wet and I’m losing my body heat” ), supported
and surrounded by music that’s surprisingly pretty, in an eerie, insidious sort
of way. Wobble’s sinuously winding bass weaves through Levene’s cascading
sparks as well as the cymbal-smash spray he also supplies (PiL being temporarily
drummerless during this stage of the album’s spasmodic recording).
With PiL still between drummers, on “Careering” it’s Wobble’s
who doubles-up roles, pummeling your ribcage with his bass and bashing the kit
like a metalworker pounding flat a sheet
of steel. Levene swaps guitar for
swooping smears of synth, while Lydon’s helicopter-eye vision scans the border zone
between Ulster and the Irish Republic: a terrorscape of “blown into breeze”
bomb victims and paramilitary paranoia. “Careering” sounds like nothing else in
rock and nothing else in PiL’s work – as with several other songs on Metal Box, it could have spawned a whole
identity, an entire career, for any other band.
“No Birds Do Sing”, unbelievably, surpasses the preceding
five songs. Levene cloaks the murderous
Wobble-Dudanksi groove with a toxic cloud of guitar texture. Lydon surveys an English suburban scene whose
placidity could not be further from troubled Northern Ireland, noting in sardonic
approval its “bland planned idle luxury” and “well intentioned rules” (rolling
the ‘r’ there in a delicious throwback to classic Rotten-style singing). For “a layered mass of subtle props” and “a
caviar of silent dignity” alone, Lydon ought to have the 2026 Nobel locked
After the greatest six-song run in all of postpunk, Metal
Box’s remainder is merely (and mostly) excellent, moving from the juddery
instrumental “Graveyard” (oddly redolent of Johnny Kidd’s early British rock’n’roll
classic “Shakin’ All Over”) through the rubbery-bassline waddle of “The Suit”
to the stampeding threat of “Chant”, a savage snapshot of 1979’s tribal street
violence. The album winds down with the
unexpected respite and repose of “Radio Four”, a tranquil instrumental entirely
played by Levene: just a tremulously poignant and agile bassline overlaid with reedy
keyboards that swell and subside like surges of emotion. The title comes from the
U.K.’s national public radio station, a civilized and calming source of news,
views, drama and light comedy beamed out to the British middle classes. As with
“Poptones,” the irony is astringent.
Listening to (and reviewing) Metal Box in a linear sequence goes against PiL’s original intent,
of course. As the flatly descriptive, deliberately demystified title indicates,
Metal Box initially came in the form
of a circular canister containing three 45 r.p.m 12-inches – for better sound, but also to
encourage listeners to play the record in any order they chose, ideally listening to it in short bursts rather
than in a single sitting. But what once
seemed radically anti-rockist (“deconstruct the Album!”) is now a historical
footnote, because anyone listening to a CD or other digital format can rearrange
the contents however they wish. And if
you do doggedly listen to Metal Box in
accordance with its given running order, what comes across strongly now is its sheer
accumulative power as an album. That in turn accentuates the feeling that this
is a record that can be understood fairly easily by a fan of, say, Led Zep. It
works on the same terms as Zozo: a thematically coherent suite of physically
imposing rhythm, virtuoso guitar violence, and impassioned singing. Lydon would
soon enough ‘fess up to his latent rockism on 1986’s hard-riffing Album (also reissued as a deluxe box set
at this time) on which he collaborated with Old Wave musos like ex-Cream
drummer Ginger Baker. That incarnation of PiL even performed Zep’s “Kashmir” in
Listening to Metal Box
today, the studio-processing – informed by PiL’s love of disco and dub – that
felt so striking at the time seems subtle and relatively bare-bones, compared
to today’s norms. As the Manchester
concert and some wonderfully vivid live-in-the-studio versions from the BBC
rock program The Old Grey Whistle Test
prove, PiL could recreate this music onstage (despite that fumbled “Public
Image”). Levene, especially, was
surprisingly exact when it came to reproducing the guitar parts and textures
captured in the studio. Even the band’s debts
to reggae and funk can be seen now as a continuation of the passion for black
music that underpinned the British rock achievement of the Sixties and first-half of the Seventies –
that perennial impulse to embrace the
formal advances made by R&B and complicate them further while adding Brit-bohemian
concerns as subject matter. If PiL’s immediate
neighbors are The Pop Group and The Slits, you could also slot them alongside The
Police: great drummer(s), roots-feel
bass, inventively textured guitar, a secret prog element (Levene loved Yes, Lydon adored Peter Hammill) and an emotional
basis in reggae’s yearnings and spiritual aches.
Metal Box is a
landmark, for sure. But like Devil’s Tower, the mountain in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, it’s
an oddly isolated one. In marked contrast to Joy Division, PiL’s spawn was
neither legion nor particularly impressive (apart from San Francisco’s
wonderful Flipper). Nor would PiL’s core three ever come close to matching
the album’s heights in their subsequent careering (Wobble being the most
productive, in both copiousness and quality).
I was apprehensive about listening to this album again, fearing that it
had faded or dated. But this music still sounds new and still sounds true to
me: as adventurous and as harrowingly
heart-bare as it did when I danced in the dark to it, an unhappy 16-year-old. Metal
Box stands up. It stands for all time.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Head On
Spin, 1999
by Simon Reynolds
by Simon Reynolds
Head On is a twisted, tripped-out brother to Les Rhythmes Digitales Eighties-influenced
Darkdancer. But where Jacques LeCont's
fond exhumations of Shannon and Nik Kershaw are
typical French retro-kitsch, Super_Collider
treat Eighties electro-funk as
a prematurely
curtailed modernism. This English duo (producer Cristian Vogel and singer
Jamie Lidell) pick up where Zapp's "More Bounce To The Ounce", George Clinton's
"Atomic Dog," and Janet Jackson/Jam & Lewis's "Nasty"
left off. This era of dance music just before sampling totally took
over fascinates because of its crush collision between
trad musicianship and futurism: you can
hear the players struggling to extract funk from
unwieldy and unyielding drum machines, sequencers and synths. Hence the apparent
whereby the best Eighties dancepop still
sounds amazingly modern while much contemporary
dance music sounds retro--because today's producers get their funk by proxy, through
sampling Seventies sources like vintage disco loops or jazz-funk licks.
Head On gets me flashing on the boogie wonderland of the post-disco, pre-house interregnum--the bulbous synth-bass and juicy-fruit keyboard licks of Gap Band, Steve Arrington, Man Parrish, D-Train, SOS Band. But as you'd expect from someone who records solo for avant-techno labels Mille Plateaux and Tresor, Vogel's version of bodymusic is decidedly mangled and alienated-sounding, while Lidell croons a kind of cyborg hypersoul--grotesquely mannered, FX-warped, yet queerly compelling. Head On's highlight "Darn (Cold Way O' Lovin')" has a groove that bucks and writhes like a rutting hippotamus. "Take Me Home" is robo-Cameo, featuring a digitized equivalent of slap-bass and Lidell's most blackface warbling (imagine a bionic Steve Winwood). And "Alchemical Confession" is the kind of black rock I always hoped Tackhead or Material would deliver, all acrid guitar squalls and Lidell flailing like Jamiroquai in a meatgrinder (now that's something I'd pay to see).
A few years ago, Vogel released
an EP called "We Equate Machines With Funkiness".
Funk has always existed in the biomechanical zone between James Brown
aspiring to be a sex-machine and Kraftwerk finding the libidinous pulse within the
strict-time rhythms of automobiles and trains. When a band's playing has too
much fluency and human
feel, you don't get the tensile friction
that defines da funk (which is why an
excess of jazz influence
sounds the death-knell for any dance genre's ass-grind appeal). Super_Collider,though, have a
perfect grasp on funk's uncanny merger of supple and stiff, loose and tight.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Routes from the Jungle (Kodwo komp)
Melody Maker 1995
by Simon Reynolds
Melody Maker 1995
by Simon Reynolds
What we
have here is a damn-dear definitive
history of the genre '91-'95, ardkore to
art-core. Taking in happy, dark-side, ambient and drum & bass, this
two-disc set only shortchanges us vis-a-vis ruffneck ragga. And it gets round
the problem of being comprehensive yet avoiding redundancy (given the excessive
number of jungle compilations in existence), by A/ including unusual mixes of
key tracks that have appeared elsewhere on CD, and B/ dredging up some lost
classics never before CD-anthologised.
Lost classics like Lennie D Ice's "We Are E", which cheekily turned an African chant into an anthem for the Luv'd Up Nation. And like the sultry smooch-core of "Waking Up" by Nicolette (now of Massive, then of the Shut Up and Dance stable), and of Manix's unbearably tender "You Held My Hand". Lost-est and classic-est of the lot, and my absolute favourite hardcore track of all time, is Foul Play's remix of their own "Open Your Mind". With its angel-host harmonies and diaphonous ripple of succulent synth, this track is as goosepimply as the entire works of My Bloody Valentine liquidised in a blender and injected into your spine. Midway, the track veers into the twilight-zone, then turns vicious with a veritable St Valentine's Day Massacre of rapid-fire snares.
Other gems on Disc One include the febrile avant-funk of DJ Edrush's dark-core classic "Bludclot Artattack", as flesh-crawlingly foreboding as stumbling into a voodoo ceremony; the gloriously garbled "Secret Summer Fantasy" by the undeservingly forgotten Body Snatch (somebody anthologise their awesome "Just For U London", pu-leeze!!); plus A Guy Called Gerald's cyber-tribal "Nazinji-Zaka", making good its mysterious omission from the "Black Secret Technology" LP. Drawing mostly on late '94 and early '95, Disc Two is a handy survey of the state of the art-core. The old skool's rushin'-and-gushin' euphoria has given way to a more measured passion; fusion and
All this,
plus excellent sleevenotes from compiler Kodwo Eshun, makes "Routes From
The Jungle" the most essential jungle-primer for the uninitiated since
last year's "Drum & Bass, Selection 1". It's a history of the
phuture. Buy, buy.
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Every Song Ever: Twenty Ways to Listen in an Age of Musical Plenty
Every Song Ever - Twenty Ways to Listen In an Age of Musical Plenty
New York Times, Feb 17, 2016
by Simon Reynolds
Few things scream “first world problem” more loudly than the notion that there’s too much good art and entertainment being made at the moment. Yet it’s undeniable that there is something curiously oppressive about the current bounty, something paralyzing about our ease of access to it. TV is one field where what ought to be a boon feels increasingly like a bane: once there were only dozens of new shows per season, now there are hundreds, such that keeping up with the quality output gets to seem like a chore. If anything, the music overload feels even more unmanageable.
New York Times music critic Ben Ratliff’s new book is a remedial intervention for our predicament of being able to “hear nearly everything, almost whenever, almost wherever, basically for free”. Every Song Ever is framed as a set of strategies to counter the confusion and appetite-loss that can afflict music fans as they attempt to navigate what feels like a cross between a maze and a banquet - the overflowing riches offered by streaming services like Spotify, unofficial archives like YouTube, music-sharing blogs, and other instant-access sources of sound. Rather than rely on traditional signposts such as genre borders or artist biography, Mr. Ratliff proposes new routes across the teeming landscape: modes of attentive listening based around concepts or musical properties. Some, such as slowness, speed, stillness, and density, are fairly easy to grasp; others, like discrepancy and transmission, are more elusive.
Close listening is Mr. Ratcliff’s forte. When he gets right inside what a musician is doing in a particular recording or performance, and how that affects your body or perceptions, the results are usually lovely and illuminating. His studies of James Brown’s “Ain’t It Funky,” Sleep’s Dopesmoker, and the work of João Gilberto and Curtis Mayfield, are precise but never clinical. The chapter “Getting Clear,” dealing with “audio space” as conjured on records by producers and engineers as well as by players, is particularly vivid, encompassing artists as various as Grateful Dead, Roy Haynes, Pink Floyd, Stockhausen and Miley Cyrus. Mr. Ratcliff fulfils the injunction of Manfred Eicher, the founder and in-house producer of the ECM label, to “think of your ears as your eyes.”
Another absorbing chapter deals with participatory discrepancies, a concept coined by the musicologist Charles Keil to describe the minute imprecisions in a performance that create a group’s unique feel. Mr. Ratliff advises that the best way to hear a classic rumba album by Totico Arango and Patato Valdés is “through headphones, at night, walking through heavy crowds in Times Square, smelling street food, visually processing the lights.” That’s because the music in your ears will mirror the external environment: “nothing happens in perfect synch or in a straight line”; instead there’s a mesh of “flickering, jostling particulars.”
Mr. Ratliff leans towards non-technical terms and unshowy language, which he then nudges towards the profound or revealing. Sometimes that works brilliantly: a passage on the Allman Brothers and the glory of bands with two drummers likens the role of Jaimoe to “a housepainter doing touch-ups, not on the second day of work but as the first coat is applied.” Other times the effect falls somewhere between cute and clever, like when attempting to account for why virtuosi are so often religious: “Perhaps they can’t contain their own pride and gratitude, or they can’t house the gigantic battery needed to power it. They need an external storage space for it, and they call it God”.
A larger problem with Every Song Ever is that its premise starts to fade from view – starts to seem like a pretext, in fact, for a fragmented miscellany of meditations on music Mr. Ratliff likes. That’s fine as far as it goes, and readers will often find themselves propelled to YouTube or Spotify to hear what he’s writing about. But I wasn’t convinced that the nomadic modes of engagement with music he advocates would necessarily help anyone grapple with the quandaries of listening in an overloaded era. The categories are so open-ended they might even increase one’s sense of disorientating plenitude. They seem more like exercises one might do after having listened to a hugely varied amount of music over the course of a lifetime.
Mr. Ratliff is both wary and weary of genre, which, near the start of the book, he asserts is “a construct for the purpose of commerce, not pleasure, and ultimately for the purpose of listening to less”. Actually, genre terms mostly emerge organically out of communities of musicians and fans. Although Mr. Ratliff announces early on that he’ll refrain from using genre language wherever possible, in practice he nearly always identifies music using those tags: as bebop, happy hardcore, flamenco, dark ambient, nyabinghi. Genre terms are useful, perhaps indispensable; they tell you something. The self-consciously genre-crossing critic – just like the self-consciously genre-blending musician – depends on style boundaries precisely to transgress them and achieve desired sensations of liberation, discovery, an airy cosmopolitan feeling of rising above the rooted and local.
Mr. Ratliff uses terms like “comfort zone” as negative concepts, implying that listening widely is virtuous, or at least good for you, promoting a suppleness of sensibility. But fanatical relationships with a particular sound or scene can be just as engaged, just as rewarding. Metal fiends, for instance, find an infinite array of subtle shades in what seems like undifferentiated monotony to non-initiates. This sort of patriotic adherence to genre is something that Mr. Ratliff believes is on the way out, historically. Which may be true, but is that a good thing? The roaming listener who samples across the genrescape is more often than not harvesting musical fruits that were generated by narrowly focused and dedicated purists.
In the end, it remains debatable whether there is a right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy way to listen to music. Being an omnivore doesn’t even guarantee increased enjoyment. There are people who derive endless delight just listening to one kind of music, or even a single artist, as Mr. Ratliff acknowledges in a section about individuals he’s encountered who have all-consuming obsessions with Frank Zappa or the Grateful Dead’s live recordings. Conversely, one of the downsides of the age of plenty is that the more widely you listen outside your well-worn grooves, the more frequently you’ll experience disappointment, distaste, or just indifference. More is less.
Every Song Ever - Twenty Ways to Listen In an Age of Musical Plenty
New York Times, Feb 17, 2016
by Simon Reynolds
Few things scream “first world problem” more loudly than the notion that there’s too much good art and entertainment being made at the moment. Yet it’s undeniable that there is something curiously oppressive about the current bounty, something paralyzing about our ease of access to it. TV is one field where what ought to be a boon feels increasingly like a bane: once there were only dozens of new shows per season, now there are hundreds, such that keeping up with the quality output gets to seem like a chore. If anything, the music overload feels even more unmanageable.
New York Times music critic Ben Ratliff’s new book is a remedial intervention for our predicament of being able to “hear nearly everything, almost whenever, almost wherever, basically for free”. Every Song Ever is framed as a set of strategies to counter the confusion and appetite-loss that can afflict music fans as they attempt to navigate what feels like a cross between a maze and a banquet - the overflowing riches offered by streaming services like Spotify, unofficial archives like YouTube, music-sharing blogs, and other instant-access sources of sound. Rather than rely on traditional signposts such as genre borders or artist biography, Mr. Ratliff proposes new routes across the teeming landscape: modes of attentive listening based around concepts or musical properties. Some, such as slowness, speed, stillness, and density, are fairly easy to grasp; others, like discrepancy and transmission, are more elusive.
Close listening is Mr. Ratcliff’s forte. When he gets right inside what a musician is doing in a particular recording or performance, and how that affects your body or perceptions, the results are usually lovely and illuminating. His studies of James Brown’s “Ain’t It Funky,” Sleep’s Dopesmoker, and the work of João Gilberto and Curtis Mayfield, are precise but never clinical. The chapter “Getting Clear,” dealing with “audio space” as conjured on records by producers and engineers as well as by players, is particularly vivid, encompassing artists as various as Grateful Dead, Roy Haynes, Pink Floyd, Stockhausen and Miley Cyrus. Mr. Ratcliff fulfils the injunction of Manfred Eicher, the founder and in-house producer of the ECM label, to “think of your ears as your eyes.”
Another absorbing chapter deals with participatory discrepancies, a concept coined by the musicologist Charles Keil to describe the minute imprecisions in a performance that create a group’s unique feel. Mr. Ratliff advises that the best way to hear a classic rumba album by Totico Arango and Patato Valdés is “through headphones, at night, walking through heavy crowds in Times Square, smelling street food, visually processing the lights.” That’s because the music in your ears will mirror the external environment: “nothing happens in perfect synch or in a straight line”; instead there’s a mesh of “flickering, jostling particulars.”
Mr. Ratliff leans towards non-technical terms and unshowy language, which he then nudges towards the profound or revealing. Sometimes that works brilliantly: a passage on the Allman Brothers and the glory of bands with two drummers likens the role of Jaimoe to “a housepainter doing touch-ups, not on the second day of work but as the first coat is applied.” Other times the effect falls somewhere between cute and clever, like when attempting to account for why virtuosi are so often religious: “Perhaps they can’t contain their own pride and gratitude, or they can’t house the gigantic battery needed to power it. They need an external storage space for it, and they call it God”.
A larger problem with Every Song Ever is that its premise starts to fade from view – starts to seem like a pretext, in fact, for a fragmented miscellany of meditations on music Mr. Ratliff likes. That’s fine as far as it goes, and readers will often find themselves propelled to YouTube or Spotify to hear what he’s writing about. But I wasn’t convinced that the nomadic modes of engagement with music he advocates would necessarily help anyone grapple with the quandaries of listening in an overloaded era. The categories are so open-ended they might even increase one’s sense of disorientating plenitude. They seem more like exercises one might do after having listened to a hugely varied amount of music over the course of a lifetime.
Mr. Ratliff is both wary and weary of genre, which, near the start of the book, he asserts is “a construct for the purpose of commerce, not pleasure, and ultimately for the purpose of listening to less”. Actually, genre terms mostly emerge organically out of communities of musicians and fans. Although Mr. Ratliff announces early on that he’ll refrain from using genre language wherever possible, in practice he nearly always identifies music using those tags: as bebop, happy hardcore, flamenco, dark ambient, nyabinghi. Genre terms are useful, perhaps indispensable; they tell you something. The self-consciously genre-crossing critic – just like the self-consciously genre-blending musician – depends on style boundaries precisely to transgress them and achieve desired sensations of liberation, discovery, an airy cosmopolitan feeling of rising above the rooted and local.
Mr. Ratliff uses terms like “comfort zone” as negative concepts, implying that listening widely is virtuous, or at least good for you, promoting a suppleness of sensibility. But fanatical relationships with a particular sound or scene can be just as engaged, just as rewarding. Metal fiends, for instance, find an infinite array of subtle shades in what seems like undifferentiated monotony to non-initiates. This sort of patriotic adherence to genre is something that Mr. Ratliff believes is on the way out, historically. Which may be true, but is that a good thing? The roaming listener who samples across the genrescape is more often than not harvesting musical fruits that were generated by narrowly focused and dedicated purists.
In the end, it remains debatable whether there is a right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy way to listen to music. Being an omnivore doesn’t even guarantee increased enjoyment. There are people who derive endless delight just listening to one kind of music, or even a single artist, as Mr. Ratliff acknowledges in a section about individuals he’s encountered who have all-consuming obsessions with Frank Zappa or the Grateful Dead’s live recordings. Conversely, one of the downsides of the age of plenty is that the more widely you listen outside your well-worn grooves, the more frequently you’ll experience disappointment, distaste, or just indifference. More is less.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Moon Wiring Club / Jon Brooks - Cafe Kaput - DD Denham
Moon Wiring Club and DD Denham: music for children, by children
The Guardian, 24 November 2010
by Simon Reynolds
"One thing I've always wanted for my music is for it to appeal to children," says Ian Hodgson of Moon Wiring Club. "An ideal listening situation would be a family car journey. I think children would like all the voices and oddness. If you present kids with fun, spooky electronic music, then they might grow up wanting to make it themselves, like I did with the BBC Radiophonic Workshop." Hodgson's friend and collaborator Jon Brooks, aka the Advisory Circle, goes one better with the debut release for his label Café Kaput, which consists of spooky electronic music made by schoolchildren in the 70s.
Brooks and Hodgson originally met through MySpace. They rapidly discovered that they were "probably variations of the same person", according to Hodgson, with a shared passion for vintage 70s and 80s TV (not just the programmes but their incidental music and theme tunes). The friendship soon became an alliance. Brooks has done the mastering for all four Moon Wiring Club albums, including the brand new and brilliant A Spare Tabby at the Cat's Wedding. Hodgson, in turn, has done the artwork for Café Kaput. A full-blown collaboration between Moon Wiring Club and the Advisory Circle is in the pipeline.
The pair are chalk and cheese, though, when it comes to the way they operate musically. A skilled multi-instrumentalist whose music is "98% hand-played", Brooks makes little use of sampling or computer software. The Advisory Circle's 2006 debut EP Mind How You Go (reissued this year by Ghost Box in expanded, vinyl-only form) and 2008's much-acclaimed Other Channels reveals Brooks to be one of the contemporary scene's great melodists, with a gift for plush, intricate arrangements. Hodgson's approach, in contrast, is much more hip-hop raw. Entirely sample-based, Moon Wiring Club is assembled using astonishingly rudimentary technology: a PlayStation 2 and "a second-hand copy of MTV Music Generator 2 from 2001".
Hodgson turned to this crude set-up after struggling with software typically used to make electronic dance music. Because he's a longtime gamer, Hodgson found using a joypad to make music "much faster and more enjoyable" than clicking a mouse. But it still took him a while to work out how to get good results out of a PlayStation 2. "After months of tinkering, I discovered that it's good at sequencing short repeated phrases." Instead of looping breakbeats, Hodgson builds up rhythm patterns from single drum hits. Then he'll weave in sinuous and sinister basslines that are often coated in a dank layer of echo and delay. "I'll place the bass melody around the rhythm in a very 'stereo' way. I tend to see it all in my head as a 'cat's cradle'. Then if you add delay to the bass and time it right you get extra little melodies inside this structure. They sort of bounce and react with each other. Add melody and atmosphere to it and you get another interlocking structure – slightly organic, soggy, bouncy and knackered."
Moon Wiring Club often resembles trip-hop if its "vibe" was sourced not in obscure funk and jazz-fusion records but from the incidental music to The Prisoner, Doctor Who and The Flumps. Vocal samples are a huge part of Moon Wiring Club. Always spoken not sung, and always British in origin, they're derived largely from videos and DVDs of bygone UK television series such as Casting the Runes, Raffles and Ace of Wands. A scholar of "vintage telly", Hodgson can discourse at persuasive length about the superiority of British theatrical-turned-TV thesps such as Julian Glover and Jan Francis over American actors like Harrison Ford. He recently dedicated a podcast mix to 70s voiceover deity and Quiller star Michael Jayston.
Moon Wiring Club originally evolved out of what was intended to be "a peculiar children's book", Strange Reports from a Northern Village." That project got stalled but it did spawn the Blank Workshop website, based on an imaginary town called Clinksell, which has its own brand of confectionery, Scrumptyton Sweets, and a line of fantasy fiction, Moontime Books. The children's book project lives on also in the distinctive graphic look that Hodgson, a former fine art student, wraps around the Moon Wiring releases, drawing on influences including Biba's 20s-into-70s glamour, the strange exquisiteness of Arthur Rackham's illustrations, and Victorian fairy painters such as Richard Dadd. Blank Workshop and Moon Wiring Club is where all of Hodgson's enthusiasms and obsessions converge: "Electronic music, Art Deco, and the England of teashops, stately homes, ruined buildings and weird magic." Not forgetting computer-games music, a massive influence. "There is something about the forced repetition that makes you remember the tunes in a unique way," Hodgson says, adding that in some ways "Moon Wiring Club is meant to be Edwardian computer-game music."
"Still a kid in a lot of ways," is how Jon Brooks describes himself. His journey through music began "at pre-school age", thanks to his jazz session-player father. "Fellow jazzers would come round to record demos or share ideas. There were always instruments and tape recorders lying about." Brooks was proficient on a half-size drum kit his dad bought him before he even went to school. Soon the child prodigy was grappling with guitar, glockenspiel and keyboards, as well as messing with tape recorders and learning from his father about microphone placement. Although his dad died when Brooks was only nine, the son continued to pursue music, avoiding any formal training but studying music technology while helping to teach an A-level class in music technology.
Perhaps his early start with music, along with his later involvement in musical pedagogy, accounts for why Brooks was so intrigued by Electronic Music in the Classroom, an ultra-rare recording that was the byproduct of a course implemented at several home counties schools in 75-76 and which he has reissued through his just-launched downloads-only label Café Kaput. Originally released in a miniscule edition of reel-to-reel tapes and cassettes for the parents of the children involved, this remarkable record is credited to DD Denham, the peripatetic teacher who devised and implemented the course. But the contents are actually the creme de la creme of the work created by participating children. Now retired, Denham stresses that "the concepts were always those of the child. I would help quite a bit with technical realisation, in terms of connecting that concept to a sound. But I always explained to them the steps taken in order to achieve the sound. The children soon picked up various techniques and developed them on their own. So, a little bit of collaboration, but it was more guidance than anything."
Many of the pieces on Electronic Music in the Classroom are disorienting and disquieting, reflecting children's under-acknowledged appetite for the sinister. "Some children would get spooked by each other's compositions or sounds," Denham recalls. "Sometimes an oscillator would emit a loud wailing and lots of other children would gather round the instrument like a magnet, rather than run away. Kids actually love being scared and sound, although harmless in this case, can be scary and thrilling." The reissue comes with the original liner notes, in which Denham recounts some of the quirky inspirations that the children drew on, from a nightmare about nuns, to the unsettling smell of the air expelled from a church organ, to the ghostly flitting figures of poachers seen from afar after dusk.
Then there's The Way the Vicar Smiles, a delirium of drastically warped, vaguely ecclesiastical sounds (what could be church bells, a choir singing psalms). In the liner notes Vicar Smiles is accurately described by its young creators Robert and Luke as "a bit creepy". "The local education authority thought we were probably skating a little too close to the middle with that one," recalls Denham. "You couldn't get away with it now. However, the vicar in question disappeared from his work a couple of years later, without so much as a whisper. Make of that what you will."
The Guardian, 24 November 2010
by Simon Reynolds
"One thing I've always wanted for my music is for it to appeal to children," says Ian Hodgson of Moon Wiring Club. "An ideal listening situation would be a family car journey. I think children would like all the voices and oddness. If you present kids with fun, spooky electronic music, then they might grow up wanting to make it themselves, like I did with the BBC Radiophonic Workshop." Hodgson's friend and collaborator Jon Brooks, aka the Advisory Circle, goes one better with the debut release for his label Café Kaput, which consists of spooky electronic music made by schoolchildren in the 70s.
Brooks and Hodgson originally met through MySpace. They rapidly discovered that they were "probably variations of the same person", according to Hodgson, with a shared passion for vintage 70s and 80s TV (not just the programmes but their incidental music and theme tunes). The friendship soon became an alliance. Brooks has done the mastering for all four Moon Wiring Club albums, including the brand new and brilliant A Spare Tabby at the Cat's Wedding. Hodgson, in turn, has done the artwork for Café Kaput. A full-blown collaboration between Moon Wiring Club and the Advisory Circle is in the pipeline.
The pair are chalk and cheese, though, when it comes to the way they operate musically. A skilled multi-instrumentalist whose music is "98% hand-played", Brooks makes little use of sampling or computer software. The Advisory Circle's 2006 debut EP Mind How You Go (reissued this year by Ghost Box in expanded, vinyl-only form) and 2008's much-acclaimed Other Channels reveals Brooks to be one of the contemporary scene's great melodists, with a gift for plush, intricate arrangements. Hodgson's approach, in contrast, is much more hip-hop raw. Entirely sample-based, Moon Wiring Club is assembled using astonishingly rudimentary technology: a PlayStation 2 and "a second-hand copy of MTV Music Generator 2 from 2001".
Hodgson turned to this crude set-up after struggling with software typically used to make electronic dance music. Because he's a longtime gamer, Hodgson found using a joypad to make music "much faster and more enjoyable" than clicking a mouse. But it still took him a while to work out how to get good results out of a PlayStation 2. "After months of tinkering, I discovered that it's good at sequencing short repeated phrases." Instead of looping breakbeats, Hodgson builds up rhythm patterns from single drum hits. Then he'll weave in sinuous and sinister basslines that are often coated in a dank layer of echo and delay. "I'll place the bass melody around the rhythm in a very 'stereo' way. I tend to see it all in my head as a 'cat's cradle'. Then if you add delay to the bass and time it right you get extra little melodies inside this structure. They sort of bounce and react with each other. Add melody and atmosphere to it and you get another interlocking structure – slightly organic, soggy, bouncy and knackered."
Moon Wiring Club often resembles trip-hop if its "vibe" was sourced not in obscure funk and jazz-fusion records but from the incidental music to The Prisoner, Doctor Who and The Flumps. Vocal samples are a huge part of Moon Wiring Club. Always spoken not sung, and always British in origin, they're derived largely from videos and DVDs of bygone UK television series such as Casting the Runes, Raffles and Ace of Wands. A scholar of "vintage telly", Hodgson can discourse at persuasive length about the superiority of British theatrical-turned-TV thesps such as Julian Glover and Jan Francis over American actors like Harrison Ford. He recently dedicated a podcast mix to 70s voiceover deity and Quiller star Michael Jayston.
Moon Wiring Club originally evolved out of what was intended to be "a peculiar children's book", Strange Reports from a Northern Village." That project got stalled but it did spawn the Blank Workshop website, based on an imaginary town called Clinksell, which has its own brand of confectionery, Scrumptyton Sweets, and a line of fantasy fiction, Moontime Books. The children's book project lives on also in the distinctive graphic look that Hodgson, a former fine art student, wraps around the Moon Wiring releases, drawing on influences including Biba's 20s-into-70s glamour, the strange exquisiteness of Arthur Rackham's illustrations, and Victorian fairy painters such as Richard Dadd. Blank Workshop and Moon Wiring Club is where all of Hodgson's enthusiasms and obsessions converge: "Electronic music, Art Deco, and the England of teashops, stately homes, ruined buildings and weird magic." Not forgetting computer-games music, a massive influence. "There is something about the forced repetition that makes you remember the tunes in a unique way," Hodgson says, adding that in some ways "Moon Wiring Club is meant to be Edwardian computer-game music."
"Still a kid in a lot of ways," is how Jon Brooks describes himself. His journey through music began "at pre-school age", thanks to his jazz session-player father. "Fellow jazzers would come round to record demos or share ideas. There were always instruments and tape recorders lying about." Brooks was proficient on a half-size drum kit his dad bought him before he even went to school. Soon the child prodigy was grappling with guitar, glockenspiel and keyboards, as well as messing with tape recorders and learning from his father about microphone placement. Although his dad died when Brooks was only nine, the son continued to pursue music, avoiding any formal training but studying music technology while helping to teach an A-level class in music technology.
Perhaps his early start with music, along with his later involvement in musical pedagogy, accounts for why Brooks was so intrigued by Electronic Music in the Classroom, an ultra-rare recording that was the byproduct of a course implemented at several home counties schools in 75-76 and which he has reissued through his just-launched downloads-only label Café Kaput. Originally released in a miniscule edition of reel-to-reel tapes and cassettes for the parents of the children involved, this remarkable record is credited to DD Denham, the peripatetic teacher who devised and implemented the course. But the contents are actually the creme de la creme of the work created by participating children. Now retired, Denham stresses that "the concepts were always those of the child. I would help quite a bit with technical realisation, in terms of connecting that concept to a sound. But I always explained to them the steps taken in order to achieve the sound. The children soon picked up various techniques and developed them on their own. So, a little bit of collaboration, but it was more guidance than anything."
Many of the pieces on Electronic Music in the Classroom are disorienting and disquieting, reflecting children's under-acknowledged appetite for the sinister. "Some children would get spooked by each other's compositions or sounds," Denham recalls. "Sometimes an oscillator would emit a loud wailing and lots of other children would gather round the instrument like a magnet, rather than run away. Kids actually love being scared and sound, although harmless in this case, can be scary and thrilling." The reissue comes with the original liner notes, in which Denham recounts some of the quirky inspirations that the children drew on, from a nightmare about nuns, to the unsettling smell of the air expelled from a church organ, to the ghostly flitting figures of poachers seen from afar after dusk.
Then there's The Way the Vicar Smiles, a delirium of drastically warped, vaguely ecclesiastical sounds (what could be church bells, a choir singing psalms). In the liner notes Vicar Smiles is accurately described by its young creators Robert and Luke as "a bit creepy". "The local education authority thought we were probably skating a little too close to the middle with that one," recalls Denham. "You couldn't get away with it now. However, the vicar in question disappeared from his work a couple of years later, without so much as a whisper. Make of that what you will."
Thursday, November 23, 2017
RIP Malcolm Young
High Voltage / Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap / Highway To Hell/ Back In Black / For Those About To Rock We Salute You
Mojo, 1994
by Simon Reynolds
Beats me why AC/DC aren't rated alongside The Ramones as seminal mid-'70s
minimalists. Both have built a career out of flogging a formula. Musically,
AC/DC's rock'n'roll fundamentalism takes the form of stop-start raunch-riffs and
lewd sub-blues rasp, as opposed to the Blitzkrieg Boppers' buzzsaw ramalama and
gabba-gabba-hey. Lyrically, AC/DC's fuckin', fightin' and hellraisin' yarns, like
the Ramones' gonzo shtick, is 50 percent tongue-in-cheek rock'n'roll parody, 50
percent genuine thick-as-pigshit moronicism.
AC/DC and the Ramones both debuted pre-punk, and hit their creative stride
in '76. But one's hip and the other's not. The reason is that AC/DC have no
progeny, whereas The Ramones blueprinted punk. Flattening the syncopation and the
sex out of rock'n'roll, the Ramones inadvertantly created a whole new rock
aesthetic. Whereas what makes AC/DC trad is precisely their strongest point, the
supple rhythm section and hip-grinding riffage: they're a reversion to the pre-
punk, pre-metal days when rock was dance music. AC/DC funk, which is why the Beasties sampled them to def (jam). In fact, "TNT", from 1976's High Voltage, is rap megalomania a decade ahead of its time, with Bon Scott boasting he's gonna "explode" just like LL Cool J in Mama Said Knock You Out, then nominating himself "Public Enemy Number One"!
The RIFF is one of those things that rock-critical thought has no purchase
on. As with the grain of the voice in soul, or the bassline in funk, it's
something you can't really talk about, or explain why one grabs you where
another doesn't. The RIFF is rock's base element, and AC/DC's absolute essence;
it's not Angus Young's solos, but his and brother Malcolm Young's dual rhythm guitars
that are the lure on "Rock'n'Roll Singer", "Live Wire", "Problem Child", "Highway
To Hell". AC/DC also have a great way with a teasin' intro, e.g. "For Those About
To Rock We Salute You."
Other aspects to AC/DC are pretty peripheral next to the meat-and-potatoes
of the boogie. Juvenile is the keynote: this is the band that put the 'base' in
back-to-basics. The bawdy misogny and puerile innuendo can get mighty tiresome:
the VD metaphors of "The Jack", the drooling lechery of "Love At First Feel",
"Beating Around The Bush", ad nauseam.
Then again (returning to the punk analogy), "Rock'n'Roll Singer" (from High Voltage) parallels "Career Opportunities" as Bon rants "you can stick your 9-to-5 living ...and all the other
shit they teach the kids at school". And "Problem Child" (from Dirty Deeds) is as psychotic as "No Feelings". AC/DC's ethos is nothing if not "the truth is only known by guttersnipes". But truthfully, their petty delinquency is closer to Oi! than Class of '77. Imagine Cockney Rejects, but with 'feel' and 'groove'.
An anthology of singles (AC/DC are one of the great singles band) and best
album tracks is way overdue, but until then these digitally remastered reissues
offer an opportunity to reappraise the aged Aussie reprobates. High Voltage is a stone classic, and the rest all have their moments.
High Voltage / Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap / Highway To Hell/ Back In Black / For Those About To Rock We Salute You
Mojo, 1994
by Simon Reynolds
Beats me why AC/DC aren't rated alongside The Ramones as seminal mid-'70s
minimalists. Both have built a career out of flogging a formula. Musically,
AC/DC's rock'n'roll fundamentalism takes the form of stop-start raunch-riffs and
lewd sub-blues rasp, as opposed to the Blitzkrieg Boppers' buzzsaw ramalama and
gabba-gabba-hey. Lyrically, AC/DC's fuckin', fightin' and hellraisin' yarns, like
the Ramones' gonzo shtick, is 50 percent tongue-in-cheek rock'n'roll parody, 50
percent genuine thick-as-pigshit moronicism.
AC/DC and the Ramones both debuted pre-punk, and hit their creative stride
in '76. But one's hip and the other's not. The reason is that AC/DC have no
progeny, whereas The Ramones blueprinted punk. Flattening the syncopation and the
sex out of rock'n'roll, the Ramones inadvertantly created a whole new rock
aesthetic. Whereas what makes AC/DC trad is precisely their strongest point, the
supple rhythm section and hip-grinding riffage: they're a reversion to the pre-
punk, pre-metal days when rock was dance music. AC/DC funk, which is why the Beasties sampled them to def (jam). In fact, "TNT", from 1976's High Voltage, is rap megalomania a decade ahead of its time, with Bon Scott boasting he's gonna "explode" just like LL Cool J in Mama Said Knock You Out, then nominating himself "Public Enemy Number One"!
The RIFF is one of those things that rock-critical thought has no purchase
on. As with the grain of the voice in soul, or the bassline in funk, it's
something you can't really talk about, or explain why one grabs you where
another doesn't. The RIFF is rock's base element, and AC/DC's absolute essence;
it's not Angus Young's solos, but his and brother Malcolm Young's dual rhythm guitars
that are the lure on "Rock'n'Roll Singer", "Live Wire", "Problem Child", "Highway
To Hell". AC/DC also have a great way with a teasin' intro, e.g. "For Those About
To Rock We Salute You."
Other aspects to AC/DC are pretty peripheral next to the meat-and-potatoes
of the boogie. Juvenile is the keynote: this is the band that put the 'base' in
back-to-basics. The bawdy misogny and puerile innuendo can get mighty tiresome:
the VD metaphors of "The Jack", the drooling lechery of "Love At First Feel",
"Beating Around The Bush", ad nauseam.
Then again (returning to the punk analogy), "Rock'n'Roll Singer" (from High Voltage) parallels "Career Opportunities" as Bon rants "you can stick your 9-to-5 living ...and all the other
shit they teach the kids at school". And "Problem Child" (from Dirty Deeds) is as psychotic as "No Feelings". AC/DC's ethos is nothing if not "the truth is only known by guttersnipes". But truthfully, their petty delinquency is closer to Oi! than Class of '77. Imagine Cockney Rejects, but with 'feel' and 'groove'.
An anthology of singles (AC/DC are one of the great singles band) and best
album tracks is way overdue, but until then these digitally remastered reissues
offer an opportunity to reappraise the aged Aussie reprobates. High Voltage is a stone classic, and the rest all have their moments.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Carol Clerk remembered
reminiscence of a Melody Maker colleague, part of a memorial package that The Quietus organised in April 2010 in celebration of Carol

Carol Clerk is a vivid and indelible presence in my memories of my time at Melody Maker. The same surely goes for anybody who passed through the portals of that paper (and the public houses adjacent to it). I remember the impish twinkle in her eye, the cadence of her voice, the tininess of her frame (often brought into relief by the size of the pint glass in her hand). She was one of the most approachable people in the Melody Maker office but also probably the most formidable. I think I escaped getting a tongue-lashing from her at any point during my time at the Maker (even after "helping" out on the news desk one week with typing in information about new releases and inserting some made-up stuff about a couple of bands I detested). No doubt I would remember such a well-deserved telling-off if it had happened.
Actually I'm surprised I was let off, because in my mind's eye I picture Carol as this newspaperwoman of the old school, a real professional, still chasing stories hard on a Friday afternoon, when most everybody else in the office was slacking off down the pub. The British music press was unique in that you could prosper there and get right to the top, without any journalistic training or being the slightest bit versed in traditional reporting or editing skills. Carol was an anomaly in that respect, in that she actually did have that training. If I remember correctly, she had worked at a newspaper or two on her way to ending up at the Maker. One thing that really amazed me was when I learned that she did her interviews without a tape recorder, just using a notepad, scribbling down the conversation in short hand.
Carol was an anomaly in another sense, a woman in what was (especially when she started out) a male-dominated field. ("Dominated" always strikes me as a bit of an overstatement: I think most people in the music press really wanted more women to be involved… but at the same time it's true there could be a laddish aura about the Maker). Carol thrived despite this in part because she could out-drink, out-smoke and out-joke any of the men, but at the same time she managed to retain through it all an aspect that was…. motherly.
Another admirable thing about Carol was the way she stuck with the music she was into, which was basically hard rock. There was no keeping up with what was au courant (she must have found so much of what got covered in the Maker--and the way it was covered-- to be ridiculous). Carol liked what she liked and with characteristic tenacity and loyalty she stayed with it.

Carol Clerk is a vivid and indelible presence in my memories of my time at Melody Maker. The same surely goes for anybody who passed through the portals of that paper (and the public houses adjacent to it). I remember the impish twinkle in her eye, the cadence of her voice, the tininess of her frame (often brought into relief by the size of the pint glass in her hand). She was one of the most approachable people in the Melody Maker office but also probably the most formidable. I think I escaped getting a tongue-lashing from her at any point during my time at the Maker (even after "helping" out on the news desk one week with typing in information about new releases and inserting some made-up stuff about a couple of bands I detested). No doubt I would remember such a well-deserved telling-off if it had happened.
Actually I'm surprised I was let off, because in my mind's eye I picture Carol as this newspaperwoman of the old school, a real professional, still chasing stories hard on a Friday afternoon, when most everybody else in the office was slacking off down the pub. The British music press was unique in that you could prosper there and get right to the top, without any journalistic training or being the slightest bit versed in traditional reporting or editing skills. Carol was an anomaly in that respect, in that she actually did have that training. If I remember correctly, she had worked at a newspaper or two on her way to ending up at the Maker. One thing that really amazed me was when I learned that she did her interviews without a tape recorder, just using a notepad, scribbling down the conversation in short hand.
Carol was an anomaly in another sense, a woman in what was (especially when she started out) a male-dominated field. ("Dominated" always strikes me as a bit of an overstatement: I think most people in the music press really wanted more women to be involved… but at the same time it's true there could be a laddish aura about the Maker). Carol thrived despite this in part because she could out-drink, out-smoke and out-joke any of the men, but at the same time she managed to retain through it all an aspect that was…. motherly.
Another admirable thing about Carol was the way she stuck with the music she was into, which was basically hard rock. There was no keeping up with what was au courant (she must have found so much of what got covered in the Maker--and the way it was covered-- to be ridiculous). Carol liked what she liked and with characteristic tenacity and loyalty she stayed with it.

Saturday, November 11, 2017
Boys in the (band) Hood (do cry)
Cold House
Spin, 2001
by Simon Reynolds
Hood make mope-rock for the laptop era.
This English quartet are survivors from a
brief early Nineties moment of mingling between UK indie dreampop and techno.
Reared on the guitarhaze of A.R. Kane and My Bloody Valentine, these groups
had their heads flipped around by
Aphex Twin. While some of these
outfits, like Seefeel, gradually went all the way into abstract
electronix, others, like
legends-to-a-few Disco Inferno, remained attached to the song and the
voice. Updating this
indie-meets-electronica formula, Hood offering glitch with a human face, their
sound poised somewhere between the jackfrost fragility of New Zealand janglers The Chills and
the faded-photo poignancy of Boards of
Canada. Crunchy filtered beats jostle with bright acoustic guitar, crestfallen
analog synths waver alongside mournful horns.
But just as you've got Cold House
pegged as a way-underground cousin to Kid A and Vespertine, another element comes in from far
left-field: hip hop. Abstrakt-to-the-max
rhymes from Dose One and Why? of Bay Area crew cLOUDDEAD feature on three
tracks, ranging from surreal lines like "sometimes the sunset doesn't want
to be photographed" to stuff that's more like a braid-of-breath than actual
decipherable words.
As Cold House's title suggests, the dominant mood is
desolate (Hood come from Leeds in the
infamously bleak North of England) . On
"The Winter Hit Hard" gale-force winds of dubbed-out drumming buffet
a frail sapling of a vocal melody, and the entire album teems with images like "there's coldness in this
sky" or "your cold hand in mine".
This heat-dearth is as much a
matter of internal affect as climate, though. The singer's fallible voice recalls too-sensitive-for-this-world folk minstrel
Nick Drake, and the lyrics manage to stay just the right side of
"precious" as they flick through snapshots from what seems to be the
drawn-out death throes of a relationship. Pained insights flash by concerning
regret, the oppressive weight of the past, dreams "snatched from your
grasp," and the way the world seems dead, stripped of all enchantment,
after the love had gone.
For Hood,
life's a glitch, and then you cry.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Against All Odds: Grime in 2005
director's cut version, Spin August 2005
by Simon Reynolds
The first thing that hits you is
the clashing reek of twelve different brands of cheap perfume. The second is
how weird it is to stand in a crowd of teenage girls waving gun-fingers and yelling
“BRRAP BRRAP BRRAP.” The trigger for their frenzy is Crazy Titch, an East
London MC who’s the closest thing the U.K. grime scene has to a heart
throb. He’s hoarsely hollering his anthem “Sing Along” over a bizarre rhythm
made from a chopped-up classical symphony. One 13-year-old black girl stands
stock still, staring at Titch with awe and adoration, intently biting her
fingernail. Everybody else in the auditorium is going mad. When it gets too
rowdy—some heavy-set ruffnecks are crushing girls up against the stage—an
organizer halts the music and grabs the mic: “Settle, boys. There’s girls down
there. They want hugs and kisses.”
Grime is usually seen as bad-boy
music, its blaring bombast and mosh-activating aggression making it the U.K. ’s
counterpart to crunk. Yet the huge number of young females at this show proves
that grime isn’t necessarily synonymous with testosterone. The high proportion
of teenagers present is partly due to the fact that the venue, Stratford
Circus, is an art center, meaning that the entertainment ends at midnight —when most raves are just
getting started. Tonight’s all-star grime bonanza offers a rare opportunity for
under-18s to see in the flesh the MC idols they’ve watched only on Channel U, a
digital/satellite TV station that airs U.K. urban music on an equal footing
with American rap and R&B. It juxtaposes the latest glitzy videos from 50
Cent with shakily choreographed, low-budget promos from local heroes like
Grime events have a reputation for
trouble. The music builds up tension, but offers little scope for release—a
recipe for fights on the dancefloor. And people often bring outside-world
antagonisms into the club. Police are always “locking off” grime parties, which
makes promoters increasingly reluctant to hold them in the first place. At one
point in the night, the host Peaches comes on to report the disappearance of a
cell phone, then delivers an impromptu lecture. “Stop thiefin’! Stop the
armshouse!” she berates, ‘armshouse’ being grime slang for bloodshed. “They’re
locking off grime raves, dancehall bashments—where you gonna go? Country &
western nights?!” Later, she reports that the young lady’s phone has been found
and returned. “Honest black people!” she notes with mock incredulity. “This
will be a newspaper story: BLACK PEOPLE FIND PHONE.” She’s taking the piss out
of stereotypes about ethnic youth, forgetting how quickly she’d jumped to the
assumption that the phone had been stolen.
The specific worry tonight is that
the beef between two rival crews, Roll Deep and Fire Camp—will lead to mayhem.
Although either group could claim the headlining spot, Fire Camp perform much
earlier in the night, so there’s no frictional hand-over of the stage. Later I
learn that Roll Deep were only let onstage once Fire Camp and their vast
entourage had left the building. A couple of days later I ask Lethal Bizzle,
leader of Fire Camp, about his feud with Wiley, the Roll Deep don. “Wiley is
into lyrical battles, he’s done records dissing everyone from Durrty Goodz to
Crazy Titch,” says Bizzle. When Wiley put out a record attacking him, Lethal
took it as a backhanded compliment—a sign that he was an adversary to be
reckoned with. “I was happy, my name was hot. And retaliation was gonna build
up my name even more. Everyone calls him ‘Kylie’ so I got ‘Can’t Get You Out of
My Head’ and dissed Wiley over it. That just put the curtains on him. Cos the
streets said I won.”
Wiley and Lethal are duking it out
on the underground and overground simultaneously. While stoking their hardcore
fanbase with the battle tracks, both hope to seduce the mainstream with
crossover grime albums this summer—Roll Deep’s In At The Deep End and Lethal Bizzle’s solo album Against All Oddz. Bizzle’s ahead at the
moment, having scored grime’s biggest U.K. hit to date with “Pow,” a massive
jolt of sonic adrenaline that even turned some heads in America, getting
airplay from Funkmaster Flex on Hot 97 and talk of Lil Jon protégé Pitbull
versioning the track’s frantic “Forward” riddim for his debut album. But Roll
Deep is more densely stacked with talent, their 15-strong ranks boasting some
of the scene’s finest producers (Wiley, Target, Danny Weed) and MCs (Trim, Flow Dan, Riko, Wiley again).
Still, for all the big noise that
grime has made in the UK mainstream media—Ms. Dynamite and Dizzee Rascal won
the Mercury Prize in successive years and Dizzee appeared on the remake of Band
Aid’s “Do They Know It’s Christmas”—it remains a small scene. Only a few people
within grime can make a living out of it. “There’s not a lot of MCs that are
just MCing and not doing something else,” says Kano , one of the most touted performers on
the scene. The doing “something else,” he hints, could be a day job or it could
be something nefarious—“shottin’ weed,” in some cases. Selling 500 copies of a
12-inch is considered a good result these days, and after production costs,
that would generate less than a thousand pounds profit. When they perform at
raves, most MCs “get paid about 150 pounds, which is not good money,” says Kano . “And there’s less
raves than there was. Clubs don’t want to deal with it. People get banned from
playing certain areas, certain clubs—blacklisted. Cos of what promoters think is going to
* * *
The day after the Stratford Circus
festival, Roll Deep divide their energies. One half plays a gig at a trendy hip
hop club in Hoxton, a recently gentrified area of East
London . The other faction stays underground with their regular
Sunday night show on pirate radio station Rinse FM. Although Channel U is increasingly
important, grime’s primary medium remains illegal radio stations. Rinse is
literally an underground operation, its HQ being a former travel agent’s office
in the basement of a nondescript building. Pass through an unremarkable-looking
ante-room (pine floors, shabby sofas serving as a makeshift hospitality lounge)
and you enter the spartan studio. In
addition to turntables and audio equipment, there’s a brightly flashing fruit
machine and a TV tuned to a spycam monitoring people in the street outside (in
case of a raid by OFCOM, the government organization dedicated to stamping out
the pirates). The walls are bare (Rinse FM prides itself on its
professionalism, and graffiti is forbidden) and apart from a few empty
soft-drink containers, the room is incongruously tidy.
Before Roll Deep turn up,
legendary grime MC D Double E does his weekly show. Nearly six-feet tall, but
weighing only 130 pounds, he has elegant, cut-glass features that border on
emaciated. You wonder if the sheer rapidity and intricacy of his flow burns up
all his calories. “I’m gonna start zonin’ out in a minute,” he warns, and
there’s something faintly redolent of Joy Division’s Ian Curtis in the way he
stares sightlessly into the middle distance, one hand darting in dainty, air-carving
gestures. Double’s imagery is relentlessly violent—“I’m on the way to stardom /
Anyone test me I will scar dem”—but the vibe he transmits is entranced reverie
rather than menace. Every so often he emits an eerie ululation, what he calls
“the D Double signal”—“Mwui! Mwui!”
After some ads—revenue from these,
plus subscription fees from each crew that has a regular show, keep Rinse FM afloat—Roll Deep take over. The
night before, at Stratford Circus, they made a Roots-like maneuver and performed
a set with a live band, leaving the teenage girls long-faced with boredom,
chins in hands like school kids sitting through morning assembly. Tonight,
yelling into microphones to an invisible audience, Roll Deep are in their true
element. Wiley, dressed in a blue Nike coat, rhymes over a new riddim built by
Target out of an accordion riff, describing himself as “the black 007”. Two new
recruits to the sprawling Roll Deep family dominate the mic’. Skepta, a lean
black youth, pulls his jacket over his head and spits from inside this murky
cocoon. “Draw for the ’chete,” he warns
some nameless adversary. “Bullets fall down like confetti / Make you look like
spaghetti” (presumably served with marinara in this scenario). Syer, a stocky
white kid, launches into a rant about “dutty girls” who “give brains... to every breh in the hood.” There’s a constant nerve-jangling bleeping
of cell phones—‘missed calls’ that assure Roll Deep the faithful are out there
(without the listeners having to pay a phone charge) or texted requests for a
shout-out. “Big up the HMP massive,” intones Trim, a reference to those
listeners detained at one of Her Majesty’s Prisons. “Hang tight the E3 crew.”
E3 is a zip code, or as they call
it in England ,
a postal code. Grime is intensely territorial. The major divisions used to be
between between East London , South
London , and so forth, but the imperative to represent your ’hood
has devolved into a Balkanized welter of mailing districts. “E3’s the big one,” says Bruza, one of the
scene’s most charismatic MCs. “That’s where Roll Deep are mostly from. E3 is
like the Queensbridge of grime, bare talent comes from there. But it’s the same
with my area, E17.” According to Roll Deep’s Target, “If you’re from E3 and I’m
from E15, it’s not like we have to fight or anything. It started with just
biggin’ up East London , and then you want to
big up your exact bit of East London !”
What most of the postal zones have
in common is that they correspond to a large swathe of the East
End that’s not served by the subway system. You can only get there
by car, bus, or the overland railway system that traverses much of London on decrepit,
redbrick Victorian viaducts. This slight diminishment of ease of access to the
area has contributed to its peculiar insularity. It’s also delayed the tide of
gentrification, meaning that the East has remained a largely working-class
area. East London (the heartland of musical
innovation in Britain
since at least the early-’90s emergence of jungle) has a sort of unpretentious,
street-level cosmopolitanism, the result of the area having absorbed wave after
wave of immigration over the last century. First came the Jews, many of them
from Russia .
Then, after the Second World War, migrants arrived from all over the former
British Empire--from the Caribbean, from South Asia (Indians, Pakistanis,
Bangladeshi), and from Africa. Most recently, the alien tongues of East
European asylum seekers have been audible on the streets. From drum’n’bass to
grime, the influence of Jamaica
dominates (most grime MCs cite dancehall and jungle chatters as their primary
influence, rather than American rappers). But the actual variety of ethnic
origins on the grime scene is staggering. At Stratford Circus, Peaches called
out to the audience, asking “anybody here from Nigeria ? Ghana ? How about Antigua ?
Trinidad & Tobago?” Each country triggered a flurry of hands in the air.
Possibly even more crucial than
its multicultural mix, though, may be East London ’s
dreariness, the bleak featurelessness of its landscape. The architecture mixes
shabby old buildings that hark back to the area’s industrial and warehousing
past, with the kind of Brutalist architecture that was fashionable in the 1960s
and 1970s. In some areas, the sky is punctured by ugly slabs of high-rise tower
blocks that formed such a crucial part of punk’s imagery. More common, though,
are smaller, undistinguished three-story blocks of flats, interspersed with
small, melancholy recreational areas. On a sunny day, East
London can look reasonably pleasant. But most of the year English
skies are grey, which means most of the time East London
looks grim. Grim, and yes, grimy.
In between jungle and grime came a
late Nineties sound called UK Garage. You could see garage as an attempt by East London youth to manufacture their own sunshine. One
of the scene’s biggest anthems was called “Spirit of the Sun”. All shiny treble
frequencies (highpitched divas, skittering
snares and fizzy hi-hats), garage streamed out of the pirate airwaves
like aural champagne. The sundrenched Greek island Aiya Napa became the
garage’s scene very own equivalent to Ibiza ,
that raver’s paradise at the other end of the Mediterranean .
Every summer, grime fans still flock out to Napa , but the idea seems wrong somehow.
Because grime is winter music. Cold, brutal, and desolate, it doesn’t seek to
escape or soften its environment. It amplifies the punitive bleakness.
Wiley caught the sunless spirit of
grime with a series of brilliant minimal instrumentals, designed for MCs to
spit over, and themed around ice and snow: “Eskimo,” “Ice Rink,” ad infinitum.
He says the idea came to him during a period when he felt “cold inside as a
person. I might make a warm tune now, ’cause I might not be angry anymore.” Yet
from its shivery synths to its real-world inspiration, his most recent tune
“Morgue” is as chilling as its title. The track is literally the mausoleum of a
dead friendship. “I used to hang around with this boy, Wonder,” Wiley explains,
alluding to one of the scene’s most talented producers. ‘Me and him fell out
’cause of bunglings” [serious arguments]. “Bunglings”--this time with a
girlfriend--inspired the even more desolate “Ground Zero,” which was actually
recorded on that September 11th. “I
realized that was the day when I’d never see that girl again. I felt like my
world came down as well then, just like those buildings.“
But private discord or woe can’t
explain why a whole genre of music takes a sharp turn to the dark and doomy.
Target says that “as things went bad, away from music”—meaning in the outside
world—“the music’s just got darker and darker.” Wiley agrees: “The music
reflects what’s going on in society. Everyone’s so angry at the world, and each
other. And they don’t know why.” Tony Blair’s New Labour government, elected in
1997 after almost two decades of Conservatism, promised a fresh start for Britain . The
economy was booming. It’s still strong, but in 2005, the rewards are mostly
going to the already well-off, young professionals in media, marketing, and
management. As a post-socialist party, Labour no longer even pays lip service
to ideas of wealth redistribution, but instead talks in the bland
neo-conservative language of enabling people to help themselves. The U.K. has become
much closer to America
than Europe , in the sense that people do
believe “anyone can make it,” despite the fact that the social odds are stacked
unfairly. If you don’t make it, it’s your own fault, the result of a deficit of
Grime kids constantly spout this
kind of talk. Target has put out a series of CD/DVD compilations called Aim High, while Bruza’s new single is
called “What You Waiting For”—“a get up off your arse song,” as he puts it. As
well as the culture of enterprise built by Thatcher and maintained by Blair,
these attitudes have been assimilated from American rap. Although virtually
every grime artist stresses that they grew up on the fast-chatting style of
jungle MCs like Shabba and Skibadee,
they have been profoundly influenced by U.S. hip hop: not so much
stylistically but in terms of ambition, a sense of the scope of what can be
achieved. Bad Boy, in particular, was the role model. One of Roll Deep’s
earliest tunes, “Terrible,” starts with a soundbite from P. Diddy: “Sometimes I
don’t think you motherfuckers understand where I’m coming from, where I’m
trying to get to.” Explains Wiley, “Puff
was a big person at the time I made that tune. He had a set-up that everyone
wants to have—own label, clothing line. That’s what I’m doing it for.” The Bad
Boy leitmotif crops up elsewhere in grime. Guesting on a track last year called
“One Wish”, Bruza offered a hilarious rejoinder to Notorious BIG-- “more money
more problems, though?/Forget the problems, GIMME THE MONEY!!!!”. Bruza also
appears on a new tune that remakes the Ma$e smash “Can’t Nobody Hold Me Down,”
vowing to “hold me head up and keep on movin’ and bruzin’”.
Grime lyrics teems with
expressions of hunger and ambition, drive and dedication. Eight years of New
Labour have not improved options and opportunities significantly for inner city
youth. If they haven’t applied themselves in school, they typically face the
prospect of working in a service sector job, selling things. “I think that’s
why most people in our area have got on it,” says Target, referring to grime and
the dream of making it as an MC or producer. “When they get to eighteen, they
don’t know where they’re going. They’ve
got no money, they didn’t care about school. Where we are from, most people’s
lives are not good. If we didn’t have
music to express our lives, I don’t know what we’d do.”
* * *
As grime’s profile surges to its
highest level yet—major-label albums for Roll Deep, Lethal Bizzle, Kano , and Lady
Sovereign—2005 is turning into a weirdly conflicted moment for grime. For every
motivational tune like Bruza’s “What You Waiting For,” there’s a lyric advising
wannabe MCs to not give up the day job. On the surface, the scene is bursting
with confidence. But U.K. pirate culture has been here before—a host of jungle
artists got signed to album deals, but only Goldie and Roni Size got anywhere
near crossover. 2step garage crossed into the pop mainstream hugely, but didn’t
endure (where’s Artful Dodger now?). Grime too has already had its fair share
of failure—More Fire, Lethal Bizzle’s first group, released a flop album in
2003, as did Wiley.
On the track “Sometimes” from his
debut Home Sweet Home, Kano documents a rare (or
rarely acknowledged) moment of self-doubt: “When I see the fans go mad I think,
‘Why do they like me?’ / There’s about a thousand other boys just like me… I
know I’ve got far / Is it too far to turn back?… Sometimes you’ll see me in a
daydream / Thinking, ‘Can the underground go mainstream?’”
A soft-spoken, somber fellow, Kano is realistic about
grime’s prospects, especially in America . Recently, he got to
support Nas on his U.K.
tour—a big deal for the grime MC, but not for the rap superstar. “Met Nas once,
got a handshake,” Kano
notes wryly. “That was it.” The respect will come, he reckons, when grime acts
start selling records. “Not even over there, but over here, in the U.K. We can’t
just fly into America
and think we can bang with 50 Cent and all them lot! But if they come over here
and see, ‘Oh, you’ve got a little thing going on,’ and it’s selling, they’ll
Of all grime’s major stylists, Kano ’s flow seems like
the one most likely to appeal to American hip-hop ears. An admirer of Jay-Z’s
conversational delivery and the laidback West Coast style of Snoop Dogg, Kano sounds smooth and
poised even rapping in quick time. Playing to this slick panache, Home Sweet Home, is front-loaded with
mid-tempo joints. Roll Deep’s debut likewise skimps on uncut grime in favour of
conventional hip hop and novelty tunes. Lethal Bizzle even promises some
grime/rock fusions on his solo debut Against
All Oddz, saying he’s a big fan of Green Day (“I love that “American
Idiot’”) and Nirvana. Terror Danjah, the innovative beatmaker behind Bruza and
the Aftershock label, dreams of one day recording tunes “with Robbie Williams
or Franz Ferdinand.” The gamble with all these tentative moves to court the
mainstream is that grime will lose what it has now. The strategy doesn’t even
seem that sensible: difference sells, and grime is more likely to succeed by
amplifying what’s unique and exotic about it. Lethal B should take heed of the
success of “Pow”—his grimiest, rowdiest tune is the one that’s grabbed the ears
of the world beyond London .
If grime does go pop, the most
likely perpetrator is Lady Sovereign, a 19-year-old white MC. Some scowling
scene purists refuse to take her seriously, partly because she’s from Northwest
London as opposed to East, but mainly because she bypassed pirate radio and
instead made a name for herself through the internet forums where young fans
chit-chat in cell-phone text-speak (e.g. “sov ur buf”). Yet Sovereign has
guested on numerous grime tracks, while her “Cha Ching” is one of the
highlights of the scene-defining Run The Road compilation (the first widely
available in the U.S. ).
Her mic skills are undeniable.
Sovereign’s also a star, something
that’s apparent the minute you clap eyes on her. She keeps me waiting for 90
minutes, staring morosely out of the windows of the fourth-floor Bethnal Green studio
where she and her producer Medasyn work,
taking in the lugubrious vistas of East London ,
the only splash of colour coming from a car dealers called RUDE MERCS. But when
Sov arrives--a tiny ball of colour and rude energy herself--any irritation is
charmed away in an instant. Five-foot-one but only 82 pounds, with hazel eyes
and hair pulled back tightly into a long ponytail, she weirdly reminds me of
Audrey Hepburn—if she’d grown up in a North London
estate listening to ragga and UK
garage, that is.
Lady Sovereign has signed to Island for a four-album deal reputedly worth three-million
pounds (a figure Sov denies, while admitting the true amount was “nice, really
nice”). It’s easy to imagine record-company execs with dollar signs reeling in
their eyes, imagining the spin-offs (video games, a cartoon series, Lady Sov
dolls, a Spice Girls-style movie). When she discusses how her forthcoming debut
album--working title Straight Up Cheeky--
has veered off into “alternative grime,” with influences from ska and punk, you
wonder if her backers are steering her in some kind of Gwen Stefani meets the
Streets direction. But it turns out her dad used to be a punk rocker and she
grew up listening to X-Ray Spex and the Selecter, so the direction is somewhat
organic. And when she plays a couple of tracks from the album, it’s clear the
grime-goes-new-wave notion is inspired. “Tango” and “Public Warning” fizz with
cartoony humor, from Sov’s killer inflections and irreverent lyrics to
Medasyn’s romping beats and arrangements dense with quirky detail.
The 2-Tone echoes aren’t just
cute, they’re appropriate, given how grime echoes the multiracial ethos and
urban-realist approach of bands like the Specials. Eerily, that group has
inspired two new grime tracks, Kode 9’s
eerie remake of “Ghost Town” and Alias’ “Ska,” which samples “Gangsters” then literalizes
the title with gruesome lyrics like “You don’t want fluids leaking out yer body
/ No you don’t.” But Lady Sov’s thing is altogether more lighthearted. “Tango,”
for instance, is a put-down of a former friend who’s overdone the fake tan.
“She was once really pale but now she’s orange,” says Sovereign. “It’s actually
scary.” The title, she explains, comes from a tangerine-colored soda popular in
the U.K.
It was hearing Ms. Dynamite’s
early tracks like “Booo!” on the pirates that really inspired Sovereign to take
MCing seriously. But instead of sparring with the bad boys (like other female
MCs on the scene such as Lady Fury) or move into socially conscious lyrics
(like Dynamite did on her crossover album), Sovereign carved out her own
identity. “I’m not a mean MC, I’m cheeky,” she twinkles, puffing on a cheap
brand of cigarette called Sovereign. Although her first record was called “The
Battle” and she’s just done a limited-circulation EP called Bitchin’,
Sovereign’s rhymes are closer to playground taunts than the ego-maiming verbal
drive-bys other MCs traffic in. Perhaps that’s what galls some grime
gatekeepers, the sense that it is just fun’n’games for “the multi-talented
munchkin” (as Sov dubbed herself on “Cha Ching”), rather than deadly earnest struggle.
The London scene is overflowing with talent. “You
see kids in the street just spitting to themselves,” says Bruza. “One kid’ll be
human beatboxing, and another’ll be spraying his lyrics or clashing another MC.
You see it everywhere, every day.” What’s poignant is that only a few will ever
have a chance of making it. “Everyone is rushing for that one small gap and
there’s that many people trying to get through,” says Terror Danjah. “Everyone
can’t get through that gap, ’cause everyone’s pushing and shoving. That’s life
though, innit?”
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